Wednesday, April 04, 2007

See-I had the right winner of the NCAA tournament. I picked Tennessee to win it all. It is just a technicality that I picked the men and not the women. Go Lady Volunteers! Way to win the tournament. I told people we should have done the ladies bracket instead this year, but no takers!

So we had an offer made on our house. It was crummy, but we made a counter offer of sorts to show good faith. I doubt that we'll see anything come of this, but Taylor and I agree that it has been a good exercise for us to go through in what will happen when a real offer is made. It also has kicked our butts a little and made us start thinking a little more about looking. We've got to get busy!

Going to a hockey game tonight with Ross and Kate. I've never been to a hockey game before, so it should be interesting. I'm hoping that a puck breaks the glass somewhere (that is no where near us). Seems like it would be an interesting turnout for a hockey game.

Jenny-I got Margaret from TWW last night! She was on a really old episode of Friends. It was the "PIVOT" one where they were moving the couch up the stairs and the one where Phoebe had the police badge. She tried to arrest Margaret for putting out a cigarette on a tree. When it rains TWW, it pours! Either that, or I watch too much TV!

1 comment:

jeniffercox said...

I saw POTUS on Spawn tonight. That's either a lot older movie than I thought it was, or they made Martin Sheen way older than he actually is for TWW. How many are we up to now?