Monday, April 23, 2007

Yes, my Yankees got swept by the Red Sox. Congratulations on winning three games in May. I hope these warm fuzzy feelings keep all of you Sox fans warm on those cold, lonely, October nights when you're watching the Yankees win the division and take on the playoffs!

Busy weekend! Friday night I went out with my old coworkers which was fun. Saturday was work on the house day. Taylor was super busy putting in a new automatic garage door opener while I prepped the inside for our home inspection, which is this afternoon. I worked on Saturday night. Let me tell you, it was a wild night of hanging out with the nuns and the Bishop. Sunday we had Taylor's parents up for lunch and then we went looking at houses. We got home last night around 8:30, signed a bunch of papers, then went back to finishing up the house for today's inspection. I'm already ready for next weekend!

I had the crummy part of inspection prep. I had to remove every item from the inside of my closet so the guy can get up into the crawlspace. My clothes are currently strewn all around the house! I've got a bunch in Taylor's closet, some in the hall closet, some packed (still on the hanger so I can rehang them quickly tonight) in a variety of duffel bags tossed around the room, and the rest just thrown on the bed. I'm really not looking forward to reassembling it all tonight, but there is no way to go to sleep until I get it done!

Let's take a moment to be thankful for the weather. It is supposed to reach 85 degrees tonight! I've currently got my office windows open and I'm enjoying a nice breeze. I got my car washed on the way in today and my toes are happily free from shoes and thankful for sandals.

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