Tuesday, October 10, 2006

For the record, I would have been able to pay attention to my spell-checking if my husband had been around to drive my to pick up my car yesterday. Instead, I had to beg, borrow, and steal to find someone to drive me and I couldn't keep RJ waiting for a silly spell check. I simply clicked okay to everything that came up and slammed the laptop shut. I'll take a few misspelled words for a car that no longer pumps out blue smoke! Mean husband...I'll think of a way to pay you back...

I'm in first place this week in fantasy football! I won my game against Jenny (who is having altitude issues today) and then Julie pulled through in the clutch to win the boss-bowl, knocking Jim out of first place. It was a good morning for me!

Work is so nutty busy. My office looks like a storage cabinet right now. I have a cute office, a great window that overlooks a rose garden (kind of), but it have 14 decent size boxes in it right now. I can't wait until the 22nd!

All caught up on Grey's! Let the discussions commence! It is super good! Dr. Burke in jeans the other day...yummy! And if Meredith doesn't pick McDreamy, I'm going to quit watching. It's like the Josh and Donna thing-sometimes there are just people who belong together!

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