Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Jeniffer my dear, you bring up a good point. Are you watching Studio 60 Folks? You should be watching Studio 60! Tommy and Aaron are genesis! Yeah and Thing are two words that really cover everything in life if used properly. I imagine at some point they will test the wrath of the thing on high. God I miss the West Wing--just this Sunday, after football, I was so sad because it was a few minutes before 8:00, I was folding laundry, and started humming the "West Wing Night" song I always used to sing. I was devastated when I remembered that there was no TWW and I would have to settle for watching...The Amazing Race? More football? I don't remember because it just wasn't special.

I have a confession to make--I've been taping Studio 60. I'm two episodes behind in an effort to have a little mini-marathon guaranteed to suck me into the show and have my hooked at the end of two hours. 10:00 on a Monday is a little too late, especially after a weekend of work, so I think I'll always tape the show and watch it later. I'm fearful that our VCR is going to give in on me soon. She has been a little temperamental in the last few weeks. I think it is because she knows that I want TiVo more than life itself, and she knows that with no TWW, she doesn't have a guaranteed use every week. As the TV season has started, she has become a little better, as she now knows that I watch Prison Break and tape How I Met Your Mother and then watch it right after. The use is making her feel needed, so we might just make it through another year. When the VCR goes (and no Alex, she doesn't have a name, but is definitely a girl) I will mourn, but I won't complain. I received this VCR as a gift for Christmas when I was still living in NJ, so I'm guessing I was about 12 years old. She survived the soap opera years in high school, the RA movie nights in College, and seven seasons of TWW. She is a member of the family, but she is old and when she decides it is time to rest, I'll give her a proper sendoff!


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