Sunday, October 08, 2006 weekend...not going quite as planned...

first, Taylor has been sick. he has a stomach bug of some sort, so Friday night he was in bed very early and yesterday he was on the couch all day resting. he is feeling much better today, so that is good.

so, I went to get my oil changed yesterday, then to pop over to the mall to look for a (second) dress for PC Dinner. It took two hours for them to change my oil, which was especially annoying because I made an appointment. Plus, it is the most gorgeous fall weekend here and I wanted to get outside to enjoy it. I made friends with some folks in the waiting room, so it wasn't terrible, but come on, two hours is a little ridiculous.

I get my car, go have a very fruitful shopping trip at the mall, and head home. I wanted to get Taylor some ginerale to help his stomach, so I stopped at the store, about 2 miles from our house. On the ride home, my car started puffing a bluish smoke and lost power. I topped out at 30 MPH and the smoke got worse as I continued to drive. I called my dad, the mechanic, who gave me the very bad news that my car was likely in some tough shape. I called Firestone, and forced them to tow my car back to the shop for them to look at it. Needless to say, they are claiming they did nothing to it and it has nothing to do with the oil change. I'm no mechanic, but I did grow up around cars, so I feel pretty confident in my knowledge that blue smoke is in fact bad news, and that usually cars don't start puffing for no reason. When poor Oprah was towed back, Taylor and I went back too and I got into a nice fight with the guy. As it stands, they have my car and are doing some complementary diagnostic tests on her tomorrow. I'm sure they will find nothing wrong, but they aren't giving her back to me without some kind of explanation/compensation. Stupid car people! I'm off tomorrow and will be trapped at my house with no car while Taylor goes to work. Not my idea of fun! Please wish Opie positive thoughts to get well soon!

Big week in fantasy football. It is the boss bowl! My former boss is playing my current boss. It is also a girl-on-girl week, where I'm planning on beating Jeniffer into submission. I was pulling for Guida to have a win of Taylor, but not so much after his mass email announcing how great TAYLOR is for getting him into his fantasy league. IT IS MY LEAGUE! While I would want Taylor to get the loss under normal circumstances (because winning is important in this league and Taylor and Jim are real competition this year), I'm pulling for the Dr. Pepper's now that the Bombers started publicly mouthing off. Bad move Guida...bad move...

Grey's update. I finished season two and watched the first episode of season three. Holy good batman! Holy good!

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