Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I have this cat calendar in my office that I just love...Most months. October is a black cat, which is fitting for Halloween, but this cat is terrifying! His head is huge! I swear he looks like he is going to jump off the page and scratch my eyes out! I might need to go back to September...

Speaking of being a pet person, I really think that non-pet people think we are weird. The other morning I was talking to Krissy as I was leaving the house. I was getting my coat, packing a lunch, the usual morning activities. As I gathered my things, I turned to Grace and Liz, told them I love them, and let them know what my plans for the day were and when I would be home. Krissy patiently listened, then asked me what the heck I was doing. It was then I realized that something that I do daily seemed really weird to other people. The pet people in the world understand talking to you pets-they are part of the family (Tiller is the most expensive MacFarlane I know :>) ). My girls are the little loves of my life-of course they deserve to know what time I'm coming home! I would offer any roommate the same courtesy, and these little peanuts mean more than just a stranger sharing an address, the are like my kids! Pet people are born with a little extra love to share with their four legged friends! I'll post some pictures of my little bugs for you all to gush over soon!

I'm going black tie dress shopping on Thursday for my work party. I'm guessing, like every single year, I will end up in something black. My goal is to get a dress in either red or blue, the Centennial Campaign colors, but if I were placing bets, it would be black! This year, I'm committed to comfortable shoes. I'm on my feet for well over eight hours, and in spiky heels, that is painful! After having bleeding blisters last year, this year I'm all about a real cute, low shoe. I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm working late tonight because my coworker has a test, so I'm covering the student phonathon. I run the program here at Assumption for the first three years I was here, and was a student caller for four years at Wheaton. I love the phonathon, so I'm really looking forward to a night with the student callers. I hope they do well, it will be the very first night ever for some of these kids.

So, I've temporarily walked away from my Grey's obsession. Just like a book that I'm enjoying, I have to walk away for a little bit right before the good part. Once I finish the season, I won't have another to pop into the dvd player, so it will be a huge letdown. With books, it breaks my heart to not know what is happening next, so I have to stop reading for awhile, ponder what is happening and how things will end. I might watch one of my three episodes left tonight, depending on what time I get home. I'm dying to know what happens, but I know I'll be sad when it is over. Either way, I'm committed to being caught up by the end of the long weekend on all things television, and starting my new book for bookshelf!

I was really grumpy when I woke up this morning. I didn't want to wear any of my clothes, couldn't find shoes I liked, didn't feel like drying my hair...Just one of those grumpy mornings. I stopped for a coffee on the way in, which is usually a treat, but even that didn't perk me up. So, I grabbed my friend Amy at lunch and we did some speed retail therapy! I got a baby gift for my friend's little boy, and bought two pair of cute shoes in under 40 minutes. Everything was on sale, so two pair of shoes for me, booties and overalls for Arlo all came to less than $60! What a deal and a great mood buster. Even Amy felt better, and she only bought herself some lunch! Retail therapy is sometimes the best! Wearing my new black sandals now!

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