Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm pretty sure one of my coworkers doesn't match today. Now I'm not style maven, I'm just a girl who wears one article of black every day, but I'm really quite certain she looks bad! She is wearing a plaid preppy skirt, with a button down striped shirt. Bad combo. the colors coordinate, but there is no way she should be wearing the two things together. She is usually really fashionable, but today she is a total glamour don't! I can't look her in the eye! I can't wait for tomorrow when she is back to herself and we be comfortably together in the same room!
According to the radio, the average woman kisses 33 men before she gets married. 33! I'll share that my number was substantially below the 33 men average. In fact, somewhere out there is a woman who is a little whorish who kissed 55 men to balance me out. I'm proud to say I was able to name all 11 men I kissed, in order, on my ride in today. Poor Jeremy almost got forgotten--what a non-memorable summer that was! Everyone share...what's your number?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Baby Birthing to Matt Lauer and his annoying wife. I consider myself part of the Today Show family, broken as it may be, so I'm excited for another addition to the group! Babies are fun--no, I'm not pregnant!

Is it December yet? Is it? Doesn't it feel like it should be? Thanksgiving is over, the semester is all but done, it is time for December. I can't do the winter wonderland crap until it is December. I'm trying to push myself into the spirit by listening to the music, which for me is what symbolizes the holiday. I'm shopping up a storm and feeling good about the deals I'm finding and the great items for people. Still, if it is after thanksgiving and people are going to insist on all the lights being up, then it should be December.

Think I might go to Wheaton this weekend on my way back from Barrington. They are having their holiday Chorale Concert. For those who don't know, I sang in the Chorale for four years and looking back, I would say it was one of the things that got me through college. Rehearsal twice a week for two hours (which I skipped a fair amount one year...) seemed like a lot at the time, but it was four hours a week to totally decompress and just be Heather. I'm not the greatest singer in the world, but I always felt at home when I was on that stage in the Chapel with those people. I used to make the SGA Treasurer demand the Student Banker change his hours so I would always have one special person in the audience. Jenny, Sarah, and Laura always made it a point to come cheer on the rest of us in our little click who sang. It meant was so much a part of my time in school and I didn't even realize the significance at the time. It makes me really sad that Rachel and I don't talk now, because when I remember Chorale I have fun memories of Krissy and other good friends, but Chorale was about my and Rach. We sat together for four years-even forced other people to switch seats with us so we could be together when singing different parts. We made the bold move to the front row in our Junior year. We gave nicknames of Muppet characters one year to all of the boys. We were just two people doing what we loved, in a series of foreign languages, and even when we didn't know who or what we were in any other aspect of our lives, we were just Heather and Rachel sitting on that stage. We were doing something that had been the thing in our lives that was probably the most natural thing on the planet-even easier than breathing. My first real memory is of singing a solo in kindergarten and I would venture to guess her first real memories are of singing too. It is heartbreaking to look back on that special thing and time and know that we aren't friends anymore over such a silly thing. Oh well, I guess people change and grow and you can't expect things or friends to stay the same. Still, I miss singing on the holidays and since I have such negative feelings about them lately (you would too if your November/December was spent entirely in the car), I though a trip to Wheaton to relive a special memory might help punch up the spirit. I think I'll even wear black and white to complete the feeling! Anyone who is local is welcome to join me. I would love the company. We can complete the experience by going to Friendly's for peanut butter cup sundaes with mint chocolate chip ice cream.

What are your favorite holiday things? For me it is the music. I don't need a winter wonderland, I don't need a certain drink or food, I just need to sing along to the sounds of the season. When I finally have kids and get to stop traveling for the holidays (every year on Christmas, I promise myself I'll get knocked-up so I don't have to travel the following year), I'll find a place to sing in a Christmas Eve concert. Might even get me out of the seven courses of seafood dinner...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I clinched a playoff spot! The Moon Pies are in!
I'm hoping to stay in 2nd place and play Quacker's in the first round.
Not playing Taylor or Jen would be a win for me.
Still pulling for Gold Stars or Baghdad Bombers or Proud Papa's to make a come from behind victory and knock out Altitude. Anything can happen in two weeks baby!

Monday, November 27, 2006

How was your Thanksgiving weekend? Ours, well, ours was quite expensive. Taylor and I broke down on the way to PA on Wednesday night. To make a long story short, we spent a lovely evening in Danbury CT (home to Martha Stewart's prison), then were picked up by Taylor's dad and taken to a fun-filled family weekend. Turns out it is the transmission in the Honda-which is what we thought. Our car is in CT getting fixed by a friend of the world famous "Uncle Marty", we have David's station wagon, and David has Ross's car. He was pulling for the Beamer, but I think he got the Subaru wagon instead. We are very grateful to all involved and are proud to announce the "No-N0-mobile" (the Silver Honda) will be back and running on Saturday. We decided it was better to just pay the cash and fix it than to deal with the hassle of getting a new car right now. Overall, it was probably a coin flip in terms of value, but for the added value of not dealing with new car shopping now, we think this is a win. Thanks to all those involved in keeping this as painless as possible.

While in PA, we did have a great time. Friday we went to Pat's Kind of Steak in Philly and got a cheese steak "wit whiz". It was good, but ordering there is like being at the soup natzy! It was a somewhat traumatizing event, but fun all the same. We then walked around an open-air Italian Market where I felt at one with my people. It was fun to be with other brunettes for a change, having spent Thanksgiving in a room full of blonds!

Taylor dragged Emilie and I to Valley Forge National Park. He was in his element, and we pretty much let him have fun since he had been under a tremendous amount of car stress. I love my man, but what a history dork! Turns out he was extra excited because he and Alex had been watching a documentary on Valley Forge in the morning. Somethings don't change!

So, tonight is just a normal night at the MacFarlane house and I couldn't be more excited. I've already won my fantasy football game (kicked the unbeatable Jeniffer's butt!), so I've benched the rest of my team so they don't screw it up for me, so there is no pressure to watch the game. Think I'll head home, jump on the elliptical, start dinner, and wait for the hard working family man to get home. Fall Finale of Prison Break is tonight. I've got $10 bucks that says that Michael, Link, and Sarah all live!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

we were just talking about Rob and Amber, or "Romber" as they are sometimes called. Turns out they have not one, but two things in the works...a Fox reality show about being newlyweds and then the fabled Amazing Race All-Stars--also featuring Mirna and Charla! So awesome!

Richard Seymour is nasty good! He's got bit mitts!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

new website for visiting...courtesy of Emilie!
Heidi and Seal had their baby today and and Nomar and Mia are pregnant with twins.
Fun times for the knocked up!
Live Broadcast!
Happy Thankgiving from Danbury Conn!
Taylor and I are trapped at the Hilton Garden Inn.
We wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

See those of you in Phoenixville CT in a few hours!
Have wine ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Early Thanksgiving everyone. Taylor and I are headed off to visit with his family for the holiday. We'll be enjoying the great state of PA! It will be good to see everyone, especially his grandmother who has been sick in the past weeks. I hope you too have a great Thanksgiving wherever you spend your day. Take some time to simply enjoy the togetherness of the group you are with. Enjoy a smile, a glass of wine, and a hug. At the end of the day, those are the things the holidays are about.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Wild day here at Heather's Daily Rant. Hope you enjoy the new site!
I've got real issues lately. See, I can't seem to complete thoughts lately. I can't have a conversation, because I sound like an idiot. I can't get out the thoughts in my head. I keep using the wrong words for things. I'm a mess. Add to that, that I've become a total klutz. I spilled on not one, but two brand new tops last week. As I write this, I've just dumped coffee all over myself, staining my very favorite top. I rinsed it the best I possible while wearing it at the office, but I'm totally heartbroken! I was hoping to wear this outfit for thanksgiving! ARRGH!
So, that is why I haven't written lately. I sound like a dope. Well, today you can just listen to my dopey rant and hope that it will at the very least be entertaining.

We looked at more houses yesterday. Just drove around checking out open houses. Yesterday was specifically about the town of Rutland. This is a town filled with developments on top of farm land. That being said, we liked Rutland and you can get a fair amount of house there compared to some other towns we have been looking at. We shall see--I can tell it is going to be a long process. Though we looked at a bunch of houses, there really are no good stories to share. No velvet wallpaper this time.

Patriots had a win, though we missed it because we were in the car. Glad to hear things are on the upswing there. My fantasy team is likely to have a loss this week to Ross's Bagdhad Bombers. I'm a little embarrassed by this, but hey, he is fighting a war for me, I guess it is okay if he beats me in football!

Speaking of Ross, I miss him like hell! I'm actually going through a thing where I really miss everyone. This weekend, it was Jeniffer. I was looking though photos trying to find a picture for my friend Carrie of her boyfriend Alex from college when he looked like a dork. It was fun, but I had to go through tons of photos to find it. Pictures always make me miss Jenny, since we put together the yearbook together for some many years. JJ-our senior one, while terribly laid-out, wasn't as bad as I anticipated it might be of just photos of us. Yes, one of us is on every page, but other people make the book some too!

Okay-I'm going to get some work done now that my shirt is mostly dry and I can leave the office...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I got a new job! I took a position as the Director of Alumni Relations at Anna Maria, which is a small catholic college in Paxton, MA. Paxton is right next to Worcester and my new school is only about eight miles from my current college. I'm excited about the new position and moving to the Alumni side of the house. I don't have to ask for money anymore!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I'm sure I'll have to do it some, but not like it is my job. I'm so excited!

I'm really sad about leaving Assumption. It has been like my home for almost six years. More details to follow.
My best friend in high school won a spelling bee in the third grade. I hope Akeehelah wins her bee too!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I have news! I have news!

Don't put those unemployment jokes away just a few weeks you will be able to pull them out again when another MacFarlane in our family starts her new job...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Taylor started his new job this morning. Unemployed jokes are off the table, but you can pick on him for his commute. He is now doing a very similar commute to mine, and called while I was getting ready for work to complain about how terrible 290, the highway that runs into Worcester, is. I've been saying this for almost six years! He has always said I was too dramatic, that it couldn't possibly be that bad. Today, he learned how bad it is! I've got a feeling that our moving timetable may have just moved up!
Happy Anniversary Brian and Jeniffer!

Friday, November 10, 2006

crap! They are fighting. I can't believe it-I thought I would get at least one good episode of happiness :(
so, today is a great day for me! I'm home on vacation today, which is obviously a win, but as an added bonus, I'm hanging out with my two favorite girls--Liz & Grace! We had big plans to sleep in all day, but the body worked against us. I was up at 5:45 and couldn't get back to sleep. Totally unfair! Still, we watched television for a bit and chatted on the phone with friends for some time--not at all a bad morning. Now we are watching Dawson's Creek, which is as you know is one of my all time favorite vacation day shows. As previously stated--I didn't watch the show when it was on, but this morning I was shocked to flip on the TV to see Dawson and Joey in bed! I couldn't believe it! I've never seen this before-I can't believe after all these years of watching the show that I didn't know they hooked up! I'm so excited! They were the team I was always pulling for--and now I don't have to see them break up-just have all the sex. What a great morning!

Having friends over tonight. Haven't seen them in forever, which is really sad. We used to spend about three or four nights a week together but life hasn't allowed for that lately. It is sad, because we won't be living near the too much longer and then it will only get increasingly more difficult to be together. So, tonight we will break bread and hopefully enjoy a few bottles of wine, and enjoy!

Don't forget-today is Taylor's last day at work. That means this weekend is your opportunity to call and make unemployment jokes. I know I'll be calling myself the sugar mamma all weekend as he will be a kept man for two days. Call and take your shots-it will be like entertainment!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ross is 41.1% done with his time in Iraq. Yahoo! I realized how fortunate we are that we can communicate with him almost daily by email and weekly by telephone when I was talking to one of my coworker's. Her son is over there too, but is in the Army, on the ground, in the city, playing with guns and the like. She has only heard from him once in three months. I wouldn't survive without Ross's funny emails and photos. Keep them up kid and get your ass home!

Everyone good out there? Know Alex and Emilie had a great trip to Florida. The pictures look like they frolicked in the water and enjoyed their trip. Glad all went well (including the beautiful wedding) and that you're back safe and sound. See you in a few weeks for Thanksgiving!
Alex and Carrie should be celebrating their first week of co-habitation. Hope that is going well. Alex, give her the biggest part of the closet, she is a girl!

Thinks are fine with Taylor and I. He is going out with 35 of his closest co-workers for lunch today. I told him to play nice, but we will see how it goes. It must be so bittersweet to leave a job. He has been there since right out of college. He has good friends. Some of these people came to our wedding (and almost stopped it with their damn contagious illnesses!). He has really grown up there, so it must be hard to leave that behind, as exciting as a new job is. Think happy, pleasant thoughts for him this week and next. I'll keep you all updated on his progress.

Going to Admissions to do a Class of 2011 interview. I love holding the fate of these kids in my hands!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's election day people! Get out and vote! Enjoy being free to choose!

I have all of my answers picked out for the local referendums (Vote yes on one! I want wine in the grocery store!) but still haven't decided who I will vote for governor. Yes, I'm party affiliated, but Massachusetts Republicans are like Southern democrats, so it isn't hard to imagine voting Republican. Kerry Healy (R) comes with lady parts, so my gut tells me to vote for her, but I do like Deval Patrick. It might be a gametime decision for me. We'll have to see...

I didn't live blog during the Pat's game. I also didn't make it through the whole game awake, though I sure tried! I took a little nap during the third quarter, but was still lucky enough to see all of Brady's interceptions. Kevin Faulk and his stone hands need to be cut!

Busy week in our life. Seems like we are doing lots of running around. We looked at houses this weekend, which was a riot. We saw this one place that literally had velvet wallpaper! I laughed out loud at it-and so did the real estate agent! This same house had wood-paneled bedrooms, a rotary telephone, and a lampshade painted with a circus theme. It was so ghetto fabulous! Once we got in the car, we remembered that we had camera phones with us. I apologize to my readers, you haven't seen anything until you've seen a maroon velvet wallpaper bathroom. As we continue the search, I promise fun pictures of the crap!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Jen and Brian have pulled me into their web of myspace hell. Here is my about me for those who care:

I hate the dentist. I love music. I have two cats who I love like children. I've been old forever. I grew up in both New Jersey and Maine and they couldn't have been more different. I'm a fundraiser but that doesn't make me a bad person. I love to watch football. I married a man I met at 19. I have a degree in psychology that is pretty useless. I have a degree in business that is equally useless. I have joint custody of a cactus. I still love The West Wing. I live in the "other" state of Massachusetts. I love to take pictures, but recently lost three years of photos when my computer blew up. I'm a geek. I'm in a book club where we never talk about the book. I have a blog to entertain my friends and would like to find a way to make a living from it. My bedroom is painted blue, my living room orange. I'm a Disney nut. I am a terrible speller, but a good friend. I'm in charge of remembering birthdays for my friends and family. I like spring because everything comes to life. I drive 50 miles to work one way. I like flowers. I hate to do yard work. I'm a Yankees fan living in "Red Sox Nation". I like to shop at Ann Taylor. I want to make a Christmas list like when I was a kid. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I have one brother. I have another new brother. My skin is dry. I could eat pasta for every meal and be happy. I'm a random person.
JJ! I saw Cox make a good play at the end of the Broncos game. You've gotta get that jersey. Sounds like a good christmas present to me!

Speaking of football, I'll admit being a nervous Patriots fan. See, I liked Adam the kicker when he was nobody on the team. Then he won a few superbowls and became a hero. Then he left-and went to the Colts, virtually the enemy. And I was mad, because he went for money and that isn't the MO of the Patriots. It's all about team. But I want him to do well in general, as the Colts are my second team. That said, I don't want him to do well this week and I have this nagging feeling that the game could come down to a field goal--for either team. That is so much pressure for the new kid--Gostkowski--and if it should be Adam, well, he is money. I'm terrified for the ending of the game, and I hate night games in general, so this is a tough night for me. In case Tony Dungee is reading right now...GIVE THE BALL TO ADDAI (he's on my week-ass fantasy team).

I've missed football two weeks in a row. For those who don't know, I like to watch at least two full games on Sunday. I like to see the Patriots, then watch a few quarters of the late game, and a bit of the night game. Last week I was out with friends, then had book club. This week, Taylor and I spent the day driving around Central Mass looking for the right town to move to (more later), so I've been away and I've missed a lot. I'm a sad girl who's very out of the loop. Oh well...Next week I'm committing Sunday to having my butt on the couch!

Public Service Announcement: Newman's Own Mango Salsa is the best stuff on earth. You've gotta try it!

In and effort to stay awake, I might live blog. Stay tuned!

Friday, November 03, 2006

I can't help it, I deeply love Peyton Manning. I literally just watched a 20 minute special on ESPN about Peyton's commercials. I watched a show about commercials! I am so a marketers dream! He has a new MasterCard commercial debuting during the Patriots/Colts Sunday night game. Now I want the Pats to DESTROY the Colts, especially the special teams against Adam, but I feel it is important to share my love of Peyton with all! Go ahead Peyton.. "Cut that Meat!"

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I know--I'm a crummy blogger. I've taken a few weeks off. Things have been so busy in my little world that the thought of writing it all down has made me sleepy. Here is the cliff notes version...
  • We surpassed our campaign goal at work. My banners unfurled properly during our big black tie dinner with the proud number of $32.5M
  • My banners unfurling meant I got to keep my job!
  • Taylor was offered and accepted a new job. He starts on November 13th. He will be working in Worcester, MA--a few miles down the road from me! This means...
  • Taylor and I are moving after the first of the year. We are going to "enjoy" the holidays first (can you enjoy the holidays if they are spent entirely in the car?), then put our house up and start looking. For those who are familiar with the terrain, we are thinking somewhere in the ballpark of 146. Our commute will be less than 45 minutes. I have no concept of that--I went from living in the same building as my office to driving 50 miles a day. The amount of time I plan on getting back (to say nothing of the cash we will save on gas and tolls) is mind-blowing!
  • I lost to Taylor in fantasy football. Yeah, I know that isn't earth shattering, but it does make me sad.
  • Taylor's grandmother came through her surgery very well. We will learn what comes next in the coming days.
  • Jeniffer tricked me into using myspace. It is so scary. If you're a member, look me up. My page has absolutely nothing on it right now.
  • I have another event at work tonight. This is my networking dinner. I wanted to postpone it, but that was strongly frowned upon, so here we go! Remarkably, it is almost completely full in terms of student (yeah!). I literally only have two seats. Go team!
  • My nails are super long. They look good. I actually just cut one of them since they are so long! I'm very proud.
  • We got slammed with kids on Halloween. We had to go out and buy extra candy! It was nuts. I'm estimating 100 kids in one hour. It was wild!
  • My cats are so annoying I'm ready to strangle them! Grace is on a kick where she likes to knock down the lamp on my nightstand.
  • We got an iPod! Welcome the MacFarlane's to the 21st century.

I think that might be all for now. After tonight, work settles down for me. I have no weekends coming up and just a few nights. I'm trying to schedule an alumni/parent trip to Southern Maine in December. That should be interesting. Nothing says fun like Maine in December!

Wish me good luck tonight at my event. I have lots of job hungry students coming to eat atomic chicken and beg for employment. Should be a good time!

Hope you are all well!
