Thursday, November 02, 2006

I know--I'm a crummy blogger. I've taken a few weeks off. Things have been so busy in my little world that the thought of writing it all down has made me sleepy. Here is the cliff notes version...
  • We surpassed our campaign goal at work. My banners unfurled properly during our big black tie dinner with the proud number of $32.5M
  • My banners unfurling meant I got to keep my job!
  • Taylor was offered and accepted a new job. He starts on November 13th. He will be working in Worcester, MA--a few miles down the road from me! This means...
  • Taylor and I are moving after the first of the year. We are going to "enjoy" the holidays first (can you enjoy the holidays if they are spent entirely in the car?), then put our house up and start looking. For those who are familiar with the terrain, we are thinking somewhere in the ballpark of 146. Our commute will be less than 45 minutes. I have no concept of that--I went from living in the same building as my office to driving 50 miles a day. The amount of time I plan on getting back (to say nothing of the cash we will save on gas and tolls) is mind-blowing!
  • I lost to Taylor in fantasy football. Yeah, I know that isn't earth shattering, but it does make me sad.
  • Taylor's grandmother came through her surgery very well. We will learn what comes next in the coming days.
  • Jeniffer tricked me into using myspace. It is so scary. If you're a member, look me up. My page has absolutely nothing on it right now.
  • I have another event at work tonight. This is my networking dinner. I wanted to postpone it, but that was strongly frowned upon, so here we go! Remarkably, it is almost completely full in terms of student (yeah!). I literally only have two seats. Go team!
  • My nails are super long. They look good. I actually just cut one of them since they are so long! I'm very proud.
  • We got slammed with kids on Halloween. We had to go out and buy extra candy! It was nuts. I'm estimating 100 kids in one hour. It was wild!
  • My cats are so annoying I'm ready to strangle them! Grace is on a kick where she likes to knock down the lamp on my nightstand.
  • We got an iPod! Welcome the MacFarlane's to the 21st century.

I think that might be all for now. After tonight, work settles down for me. I have no weekends coming up and just a few nights. I'm trying to schedule an alumni/parent trip to Southern Maine in December. That should be interesting. Nothing says fun like Maine in December!

Wish me good luck tonight at my event. I have lots of job hungry students coming to eat atomic chicken and beg for employment. Should be a good time!

Hope you are all well!


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