Sunday, November 05, 2006

JJ! I saw Cox make a good play at the end of the Broncos game. You've gotta get that jersey. Sounds like a good christmas present to me!

Speaking of football, I'll admit being a nervous Patriots fan. See, I liked Adam the kicker when he was nobody on the team. Then he won a few superbowls and became a hero. Then he left-and went to the Colts, virtually the enemy. And I was mad, because he went for money and that isn't the MO of the Patriots. It's all about team. But I want him to do well in general, as the Colts are my second team. That said, I don't want him to do well this week and I have this nagging feeling that the game could come down to a field goal--for either team. That is so much pressure for the new kid--Gostkowski--and if it should be Adam, well, he is money. I'm terrified for the ending of the game, and I hate night games in general, so this is a tough night for me. In case Tony Dungee is reading right now...GIVE THE BALL TO ADDAI (he's on my week-ass fantasy team).

I've missed football two weeks in a row. For those who don't know, I like to watch at least two full games on Sunday. I like to see the Patriots, then watch a few quarters of the late game, and a bit of the night game. Last week I was out with friends, then had book club. This week, Taylor and I spent the day driving around Central Mass looking for the right town to move to (more later), so I've been away and I've missed a lot. I'm a sad girl who's very out of the loop. Oh well...Next week I'm committing Sunday to having my butt on the couch!

Public Service Announcement: Newman's Own Mango Salsa is the best stuff on earth. You've gotta try it!

In and effort to stay awake, I might live blog. Stay tuned!

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