Monday, November 20, 2006

I've got real issues lately. See, I can't seem to complete thoughts lately. I can't have a conversation, because I sound like an idiot. I can't get out the thoughts in my head. I keep using the wrong words for things. I'm a mess. Add to that, that I've become a total klutz. I spilled on not one, but two brand new tops last week. As I write this, I've just dumped coffee all over myself, staining my very favorite top. I rinsed it the best I possible while wearing it at the office, but I'm totally heartbroken! I was hoping to wear this outfit for thanksgiving! ARRGH!
So, that is why I haven't written lately. I sound like a dope. Well, today you can just listen to my dopey rant and hope that it will at the very least be entertaining.

We looked at more houses yesterday. Just drove around checking out open houses. Yesterday was specifically about the town of Rutland. This is a town filled with developments on top of farm land. That being said, we liked Rutland and you can get a fair amount of house there compared to some other towns we have been looking at. We shall see--I can tell it is going to be a long process. Though we looked at a bunch of houses, there really are no good stories to share. No velvet wallpaper this time.

Patriots had a win, though we missed it because we were in the car. Glad to hear things are on the upswing there. My fantasy team is likely to have a loss this week to Ross's Bagdhad Bombers. I'm a little embarrassed by this, but hey, he is fighting a war for me, I guess it is okay if he beats me in football!

Speaking of Ross, I miss him like hell! I'm actually going through a thing where I really miss everyone. This weekend, it was Jeniffer. I was looking though photos trying to find a picture for my friend Carrie of her boyfriend Alex from college when he looked like a dork. It was fun, but I had to go through tons of photos to find it. Pictures always make me miss Jenny, since we put together the yearbook together for some many years. JJ-our senior one, while terribly laid-out, wasn't as bad as I anticipated it might be of just photos of us. Yes, one of us is on every page, but other people make the book some too!

Okay-I'm going to get some work done now that my shirt is mostly dry and I can leave the office...

1 comment:

Heather said...

i'm a mess! you should have a bib for me at Thanksgiving. I'm so excited to see you guys!