Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's election day people! Get out and vote! Enjoy being free to choose!

I have all of my answers picked out for the local referendums (Vote yes on one! I want wine in the grocery store!) but still haven't decided who I will vote for governor. Yes, I'm party affiliated, but Massachusetts Republicans are like Southern democrats, so it isn't hard to imagine voting Republican. Kerry Healy (R) comes with lady parts, so my gut tells me to vote for her, but I do like Deval Patrick. It might be a gametime decision for me. We'll have to see...

I didn't live blog during the Pat's game. I also didn't make it through the whole game awake, though I sure tried! I took a little nap during the third quarter, but was still lucky enough to see all of Brady's interceptions. Kevin Faulk and his stone hands need to be cut!

Busy week in our life. Seems like we are doing lots of running around. We looked at houses this weekend, which was a riot. We saw this one place that literally had velvet wallpaper! I laughed out loud at it-and so did the real estate agent! This same house had wood-paneled bedrooms, a rotary telephone, and a lampshade painted with a circus theme. It was so ghetto fabulous! Once we got in the car, we remembered that we had camera phones with us. I apologize to my readers, you haven't seen anything until you've seen a maroon velvet wallpaper bathroom. As we continue the search, I promise fun pictures of the crap!

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