Monday, April 02, 2007

Good weekend. Did some yard work, great dinner with old friends, and relaxing with the boy. Late last night we got a call that someone wants to put a bid in on our house, so that is pretty major. We should hear in a day or two what they are offering and decide what to do from there. I'm starting a sign up sheet for those who want to help us move (for all the pizza and beer you can take) and for those who are willing to let us and the two kids move in until we find a new place! Something tells me that more folks are willing to carry boxes than live with the crazy Macs! I would make that choice too if possible, but I'm related to all these folks now so I'm stuck with them. Just kidding family, you know I love you!

Very frustrated at work today. I've been working for an entire day on something that isn't my job (which is a frequent occurrence) and then got in trouble for not having my job done. Anyone else see a problem with that? Oh well!

I'm starved. I had the quickest salad at lunch this afternoon and didn't even really have time to eat all of it. I'm going to scrounge around the building and see who has what to share with me! I'm going after work to get a pedicure with Amy (who dreams of seeing her toes again at 8 months pregnant) so we'll have a late dinner. Must snack!

1 comment:

Smalltown RN said...

I love pedicures...funny I was thinking of going for one today....but no I think I will work in the back fourty instead....nice blog...keep it up...