Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hi Readers--

Sorry I've been away lately. I haven't been home before 7:30 or so any evening in the last week or so. Getting ready for this dinner is out of control. Imagine planning your wedding, for over 500 people, who aren't really your friends or family, and you have to appease. Actually, it is pretty fun a lot of the time, and in the moment it feels incredible, but it means a lot of long nights. I will admit to being pretty low stress given the circumstances this year, which I'm pretty proud of, but I'm tired and I'm excited for Sunday to come and a good night sleep.

There is a debate on TV right now of the candidates of souvenir. They are talking about taking the tolls off of the Mass Pike. Taylor and I pay about a grand each year for tolls. We are all for the removal of the tolls. Let's hope it works...But now I'm not sure I'm willing to vote for my guy anymore...Crap!

Don't tell Taylor, but I've become obsessed with Dunkin Donuts coffee. I have to have one every single morning. I know it is bad, and expensive, but it is so good!

Oh gosh-stupid Christy M (and that is a man named Christy) just compared his campaign to the Boston Red Sox--basically not having a prayer. This guy is an idiot! I hate stupid people. You can't appeal to the people's sports fandom and hope they will give you your vote. The people who are that dumb aren't watching a debate on television on a Thursday night!

I missed my pilates class today. I'm bummed. I couldn't get away from my desk. My instructor is so adorable that just seeing her makes you feel better. It would have been great to articulate and roll like a ball, but I'll just have to wait until next week.

I got my hair cut again last night. It is really short now!

So, I'm already getting excited for Thanksgiving. See, I think Thanksgiving is the world's perfect holiday. The day is designed around cooking, watching a parade, taking a shower at noon, watching three football games, eating to excess, taking a nap, and going to bed by 9:00. I'm a MacFarlane, that is by far my perfect day! The food at Thanksgiving is really the best. Turkey, gravy, stuffing and cranberries are all you need in life. I really could eat that every week and get so excited to have Thanksgiving dinner. The last few days, when I've eaten little more than ice cream and coffee, the thought that Thanksgiving is under a month away has been keeping me going!

One of the vendors I am dealing with for the PC Dinner is named Marj Simpson. If you go back and pay attention to the actual pronunciation of that name--it is Marge Simpson! I almost laughed outl loud when I got a voicemail from her. Who doens't want to talk to Marge Simpson! Cracked me up.

Okay-all for now. I'll probably be gone for a few more days. Wish me luck unfulling!


Heather said...

Heather and Taylor in a fight...imagine! Over something silly? Even stranger! Coffee is my thing honey-just like your thing is mini-football helmets. Which is worse? Should we take a poll?

jeniffercox said...

I would vote for mini is helmets for midgets is just plain odd...

jeniffercox said...

Midgets...little people...I'm not sure what the pc term is...but I'm pretty sure that the box your helmets come in call them midget helmets. If I'm wrong I heartily apologize, but if not, them's the breaks...take your licks and keep fighting! Heather, I hope the PC dinner was spectacular...did you get a picture in your dress?