Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ever heard of Karma? It turns out that baby Snow looks just like Taylor and Alexander when they were babies. Pam swears she looks more like Taylor--you know that just ticks my sister-in-law off!
I won my purse! I won my purse! I won my purse!
I've been tracking this Vera Bradley purse on eBay for the entire summer and I finally found it at a price I was willing to pay! For those who care, it is the Green Apple pattern and the purse is the "Molly", so it is little and super adorable! Yeah!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dude! We're Getting A Dell!
two weeks and our new, kick-ass baby will be delivered to our house!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Hey Folks--

So, interesting weekend. First and foremost in our world, our computer is dead, presumably. I'm actually at work right now updating. Bad bad things happened. The blue screen of death was just the beginning-there are black screens of code that are apparently far worse. Taylor and I spent some quality time trying to revive her and then just trying to get back all our photos (which we of course never backed up). Our favorite computer geek, Alex, was over yesterday and brought his computer to help us pick out a new one. While fooling around with our poor broken laptop, he thinks he may found found new life in the old machine. He took her home and promised at to give rescuing her a shot. Alex has on more than one occasion in my life, been my hero. If he pulls this off and saves up a grand, I will consider naming my first born after him. Let's go Alex Q!

We had a weekend of barbecues. We went to a MacFarlane family party this weekend. Despite being two hours away, it was a lot of fun. There were two of the three new august babies there. Taylor and I did our best to avoid them, because as predicted we were attacked with questions when even looking at them. I came out from the bathroom and Taylor was holding a fussy Abigail and as he quieted her down the voices of "Isn't he a natural" and "Heather, look, he made her stop crying" assaulted me. I'm glad he can make a baby stop crying-I'm not sure I have that ability. I waited until sweet 10-day old Amanda was sound asleep before I took a turn at the baby holding. Kerri was thankful for the break, and I was thankful that it was the end of the evening and many people had gotten past the idea of baby holding. She was a sweet little peanut dressed all in pink. She actually had on a pink snuggle suit that a very stylish sister-in-law of mine has in adult size (and cashmere). I wished you had been there Em-we could have taken an adorable photo of the two of you together!

Sunday brought a barbecue at our house. Taylor worked so hard all morning getting tea outside ready for this event--but at 11:00 the rain started and didn't end until sometime after bed, So, we moved ten adults and three kids under three into our very small and un-babyprooded house. All things considered, it went well. The kids were a riot. Robbie got to kiss Madelyn. Madelyn entertained all but her Yankee-loving hosts by reciting the entire Red Sox's line-up (remember Maddy, to be a fan of the winning team you have to love Derek Jeter!). It does seem like cruel and unusual punishment the way New Englanders raise their kids to be Sox fans--why put your kiddo through the torture? Oh well! We had a nice time despite the rain, seeing lots of old friend's we haven't seen since our wedding 2+ years ago. We also got to meet Nadia, the newest member of the Janus family. She is a quiet little tike-very sweet all of three months old. Great age, because she likes being held, but is past the scary bobble-head phase.

I'm getting ready to head to lunch. We are braving tea dining hall today for reasons that escape my grasp. I'm desperate for a good salad-I ate nothing of nutritional value this weekend-but I anticipate chaos as it is the first day of classes. Freshman are hysterical to watch though-they have their keys around their necks and still use trays! I'm so glad I'm not 18 anymore, and I'm so excited not to be heading back to school myself tonight!

For those keeping score, Ross should be in Kuwait by now. He flew out yesterday (on his birthday) and had about an 18 hour flight. Rumor has it his plane stopped at an army base in Germany, where my best friend Jen happens to be stationed for the next two weeks (talk about random!). Ross is on a two-week media blackout. This is probably good for him, it will help him to get settled. It might be good for me too-I had a great conversation with him on Friday evening (Taylor and I chatted with him for the better part of two hours), and we actually talked to him yesterday right before he got on the plane for a few minutes. Both times we hung up, I cried my eyes out. I think it will be good that next time we talk, he will be there and be settled. It will make us all start thinking about coming home instead of leaving. Remember Ross, you promised to be extra careful! We all love you!

Gotta go-Chicken Patty day!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I just got carded! I love this day! I'm taking tomorrow off work, since it is move in day and I can't help with the damn broken toe. So, I stopped at the same liquor store I always go to on the way home to grab a bottle of wine and the guy there carded me! At 28, you just don't get carded all that often and with my new haircut that, to quote my friend's grandmother, "finally makes me look like an adult", it happens even less. I believe in life, it is the little things that really make or break a day and today, for me, getting carded made my day.

Next weekend, one of my best friend's is turning 30. While I don't feel close to that milestone, and I doubt it will really bother me, 30 is a big number. It is one of those number where you measure your life to see where you are and where you want to be. I remember turning 25. I'm one of the babies of the office, so it was a big topic of conversation. Lots of folks asked me if it bothered me to turn 25 and it truly didn't. I was married, owned my own home, had a good job, two beautiful baby kitties, and was well on my way to a masters degree. I couldn't imagine what else I was supposed to have accomplished by 25. As I get closer to 30, people only seem to measure me by whether or not I have kids. Now that Taylor's sister had her first, the questions are going to continue to come. My, "We just want to finish school" answer expired in June. We are going to a family party this weekend, and I know people are going to make comments about me being next. I had been able to differ this pressure to the other Heather, who is older and has been married longer, but now that Rebecca is here I'm going to need another answer. Because I don't feel like it doesn't seem to be a good answer. Nor does I like drinking too much or I really want to go to Disney this winter and be able to go on all the rides. If you have a smart ass answer that is funny but still tells people to mind their own business we will have a kid when we damn well feel like it, I would love you to share.

I had another big day in the license plate game. I'm up to 23 now, including Minnesota, Michigan, Maryland (a good day for th "M" states) and the great state of Texas. For anyone who doesn't know, Taylor and I spent a night in Texas this year when trapped because of airplane issues. I now own a bracelet that says "Don't Mess With Texas" and while it is not as obnoxious as Bricker's tee-shirt of the same phrase, it is pretty random. I would love to go back there some day and see more than the Dallas Airport hotel. While I hear the Alamo is overrated, I would like to go to the big farmer's market and some place called Amy's Ice Cream, that I did a case about in my Service Management class (I love Saeed!). Still, I think Texas is far from the top of the travel list. We want to hit Disney this winter, and I desperately want to go to California.

I love long weekends!
Having a Happy We Aren't Celebrating Back To School Like Everyone Else in the World BBQ this weekend. Anyone who wants to come is invited.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

So on my ride back from my visit (in wonderful downtown Warwick, RI), I started seeing all these random license plates. My friend Amy (yes Alex, Nemo's mom) and I carpool a few times a week and she has a running "license plate game" list in her car and we get excited to add new states. Yes we are losers, but we commute over 10 hours a week to work, so we need something to occupy our time. After seeing Montana today, I decided we needed to start a new list for my car. On my hour and fifteen minute drive I saw 14 different states! That is roughly 28% of the country in one hour! For those familiar with the area, it was just 146 and the Pike! I couldn't believe I had Virginia, Arizona, Illinois, and Montana before I had Maine. Now I'm like a woman possessed and I'm dying to drive and get more states.

For those keeping score, I got the gift too. Tomorrow will be a good day in the office.

Speaking of The Office, if you don't watch this show, you should. The Pam and Jim romance aside (and I believe the season finale was the most realistic kiss I've seen on TV in years), the humor on this show is great. This could be anyone's office. They make paper in PA. It isn't fancy or funny by design, but everyone has a crazy napping person in their office who everyone makes fun of, right? Is that just our office and The Office on TV? Either way, napping happens and The Office is hysterical. Give it a chance as the new TV season begins.

Ross's gun is currently named Kevin Bacon. There is some talk of a name change, but Kevin Bacon is the front runner today. I welcome your thoughts.
I'm bummed! I was in the middle of a nice long rant last night when the computer blew up on me. I got the blue screen of death. Having gone through three computers at work in the last nine months, I quickly walked away from the machine before my bad computer luck could do any further damage to the poor machine! Taylor assures me that everything is fine now, but I still worry about the poor machine. Either way, I lost my long rant. There was nothing important in there, except that I thought of bachelorette number one for Ross when he gets back. She is cute, young, and single and lives in Providence. I think you will like her, but she is my old intern and if you hurt her I will kill you. Actually, she might not be a good first girl...I'll move her back to month three or something.

I'm touchably soft today! I have to go do a solication visit this afternoon, but I haven't worn shoes of any sort other than a flip flop in a week since I broke my toe. So, I had to improvise and not wear a suit today because I couldn't really wear heels. I found a pair of green shoes I forgot I had from a summer wedding and paired them with my new green Lilly sweater and I look professional enough to get out of the office for the afternoon since it is still summer.

Don't forget the Emmy's are on this weekend. They are my superbowl! Red carpet with Kristen and Ryan then Conan to bring on the show. Everyone cheer the west wing in its last year of nominations and get some tissues for the Aaron Spelling tribute. There isn't a woman in her 20s-40s who doesn't love one of Aaron's shows. I'm a 90210 girl at heart.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I'm watching preseason football. Yeah, I know, I have issues. But this is too funny not to comment on. Adam Vinitiere, the Pat's former kicker, is now playing for the Colts. Now, I like the Colts and every year I hope the Colts do well in their division, up until the Patriots get to knock them out in the play-offs. So I'm excited to watch this game. Peyton to Reggie Wayne for six points and I start to close my eyes to stop from watching Adam kick for the other team when I look to discover that he isn't kicking. Turns out Mr Vinitiere SPRAINED HIS ANKLE and is out for the rest of the preseason. Ever heard of Karma my friend! How funny is it that the kicker sprained his ankle? I know that the Patriots have a kicker on the team right now who once hurt his ankle celebrating an extra point, but that shouldn't count since he won't be on the roster when the real season starts.

Yeah-I guess that sounds less funny when I write it down...but it did just crack me up! I love a Sunday night football game! I'm waiting for the Manning Bowl in a few weeks. My mother-in-law hates the Mannings and calls every time she so much as sees a commercial with a Manning boy. To each her own!
I get to name Ross's 9MM. I'm very excited!

My cats are no longer crazy. We got them back together on Friday after work. Less than 48 hours of the crazy is a win over the 8 days we suffered through last time. After a little hissing and sniffing, they pretty much got over each other.

Patriots looked good last night. No sign of Kurt's wife or stories about how he used to stock dogfood. Also, no mention of Steven Neil's high school wresting career, so all in all, the night was a win. I still don't like Cassel at number two, but I guess you can call Vinny just as easily in week 4 as in the pre-season.

Taylor and I are both home today and we have no plans. This is a first in a REALLY long time. We have no idea what to do with each other. It looks like rain, so the shutters will have to wait for another day. I'm thinking something wild like a trip to target to get some cat food and a new outdoor mat for the front door. Who said married life is boring? Krissy, any room in that shoe for me?

Taylor never gives Gracie attention. I fear some night she may claw his eyes out in retaliation. More likely she would accidentally scratch me. Somehow the girls only know how to wake me up at 7:00 for breakfast. Taylor gets to sleep in (until 9:30 today--the draft must have taken a lot out of him) and I get harassed. Emilie-does Tiller do this to you?

I picked my first tomato today. I'm very excited. I'm only doing "patio tomatoes", so they are small, but it has that amazing smell that fresh tomatoes have, so I'm excited to have it with lunch.

Oh no, Taylor turned on playstation. I might as well give up on the dream of going to Target. He is lost to the idiot box for at least a few hours. Maybe I'll go get a man-ped instead of house stuff. If he can waste his day, I can waste his money!

Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm listening to Christmas Music!
I promised Alex a list of my deep thoughts as they came to me through the day. Here you go...
I'm supposed to be alone in the office today, but my boss showed up. There go my thoughts of leaving early..

Ross, less pictures of your kevlar vest, more pictures of smiling and looking ready to come home. Your mom doesn't need to see anything else in a camo print!

There is a woman named Angela Moore going on our alumni trip to Montreal today. Think she paints bracelets?

I think that by Sunday Grace and Elizabeth will be able to be in the same room together. Probably earlier, but Taylor and I are going to be too scattered between now and then. I had a very restless night of sleep, waking about once an hour to try to hear if Grace was crying from her fort in the spare bedroom. She was fine-I was a wreck!

my knowledge of postal regulations is terrifying. Seriously, no one needs to know this stuff.

This day couldn't possibly go slower.

Augh! My boss just left and now announced he is coming back around 5. I'm trapped here!

I just got a new planner. I love filling in a new planner. Having everything properly laid out and organized is so great. I look like a messy person, because I am a piler of things, but I know where everything is in this organized chaos I call an office. A new planner is like the ultimate in organization. I'm going to take the next hour and ice my toe and fill in my book!

I'm on an Indigo Girls kick right now. This happens at the same time every year. They have a song, Mystery, which has a line my friend mentioned to me right before we left for our freshman year of college: I could go crazy on a night like tonight, summer's beginning to give up her fight. The first cool night of summer always gets that song stuck in my hear, so I dig out the CD on the drive to work. Thank goodness for the hour long drive. I like the fall, the leaves, the cool weather, the smells, but I live for spring. In the fall it feels like things are dying but in the spring it is all about rebirth and things coming back to life. I think it is because I'm a spring birthday that I enjoy that time of year so much. Who knows. But, fall does have it's privileges--Football! Don't forget, preseason gave two, which means absolutely nothing and no one with a real shot of making the team will play, is Saturday night. Any excuse to drag out the jersey and munch on chips and salsa works for me! Plus, the Patriots are playing the Cardinals, so we can make fun of Kurt Warner. Maybe they will show his wife on TV. She is the ugliest person on the planet!

I miss Amy. I hate when she goes on vacation.

The soccer team just walked by my office, intensely talking about Jay Z. I can't believe the kids are back!

I need some updated photos in my office. I have one of Jenny and I from College, one of Taylor and I from just out of college, a save the date for a wedding of one of my students (they grow up so fast!), a few of my niece Alessandra from her dance class, and one of my girls when they were just kittens. I have one updated photo of Krissy, Jen and I from our wedding, but even that was over two years old. Oh, I do have a few that Pam has printed me through the year of baby Rebecca and a cute one of Emilie and I drinking wine. I love digital cameras but I really miss pictures.

Yes Kriselyn, I am in fact happy that I'm married after your day! Glad you can still laugh at things shoe girl! Keep an eye to your mailbox. As soon as I make it to the post office, you should have a treat!

The Assumption President is retiring at the end of the year. Should be an interesting year to be working here. I love a good party and this will be the year for parties at work. Unfortunately, we throw them instead of attend them. But, one of my bosses "goals" for me for the year was to spend less time producing events and more time making sure I'm in the room and seeing prospects. Maybe I will get a glass of wine and a mini quiche at some point after all.

I write all of my emails at work in Purple. That is the color of our rival school. I should probably change to blue, but I hate much longer until lunch? I suppose we have to eat inside today since there are only five of us in at this point in the day. We can't let a telephone go to voicemail here ever. It is against all the rules. Don't try to wear a denim jacket either. I have special permission to wear flip flop type shoes today with my broken toe. I thought I worked in education because it was low-key and we wanted to make a difference in the lives of students. Lately I just seem to make a difference in the bank accounts of rich people. Maybe it is good that the students are coming back now. We all really need a dose of reality and a reminder of why we come to work every day.

I have a secret...other than Kriselyn's house and the big red boat, I hate Cape Cod! Going over the bridge is like my own personal hell. And I hate how people are going to Maine now for weekends as a Cape alternative. Maine is my state. While everyone else thought it was the frozen tundra, I was surviving ice storms and hanging out on rocky beaches. Get your own place to vacation and leave mine alone!

Just heard Troy come down for the microwave. Must be lunch time. I have a bagel and an apple. Thomas' makes these new square bagels for making sandwiches. I don't eat sandwiches, but since the time I usually spend making lunch was spend dragging Grace out from under the bed, I just grabbed the first portable things I could find. I'll warm it for a few minutes, put some PB on it and slice my apple with my new fancy apple slicer. Thanks Taylor!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My cats are crazy again (thanks for jinxing me Alexander) and I think I broke my toe. All of this happened before 5:30 am. Will this week ever end!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hi People!

I realize I haven't been writing as much as I did last time I had a rant, but I think that is because I don't have that much going on in my life these days. No more wedding for us, and last summer's seven wedding summer has made way for just one wedding this summer, and we missed it for another event. School is done and so my stress level is much lower. I get to come home at a reasonable hour most nights, which is a treat. As a matter of fact, tonight I "worked late", but was still out of the office by 5:30. Granted, this is summer and in education summer is much easier, but the thought of coming home five nights a week when everyone else is going back to school makes me a very happy lady!

I got beat by my computer today. We just got new computers at work, and something funky is going on with our outlook program. My clock keeps changing times, but today's issue was the times in my outlook calendar were all off by an hour, thus making me miss a meeting. While it was only an internal meeting, and someone came to find me when I was 15 minutes late, I was totally frazzled! In my 5 years at Assumption, I've never missed a meeting or an appointment. IT came out to look at my computer (and some other folks who were having the same problem) and the genius suggested I hand change the times on every appointment in my book. I really didn't need a "professional" for that tidbit of knowledge, but I smiled anyway and waited for this idiot to get out of my office. I love technology, but today I ordered a new weekly planner as a backup. I'm not getting beat by my computer again. Stupid Dell!

Taylor is getting ready for his big fantasy draft this weekend. He will trek to Mat's house for a fun-filled day of making fun of Scotty the Biter, Max's softball bat, and the "kids", who I imagine are all about 25 now. Normal conversation at our house is likely over for the week. Instead of talking to me, I expect Taylor to be on the phone quite a lot trying to determine who will be available to him with the fourth pick in the draft. Instead of "How was your day dear?" I hear questions such as, "If (Taylor makde me take his name out) is available at number 8, I have to take him, right?" He cracks me up and of all the habits he could have, I'm perfectly excited to have a husband who plays fantasy football. Clearly he is a little high strung right now, but overall he is cute, so he can have this one week of the crazy.

Sadly, this is my exciting day. Thanks to dinner at my in-law's last night, I don't have to make dinner tonight. It is Chicken Wednesday in our house tonight!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Today is the Feast of the Assumption. For those of you, who like me are not Catholic, this is a Holy Day of Obligation celebrating Mary's Assumption into heaven. For the rest of us, this is a day to celebrate getting out of work early! Working for the Catholic's has its privileges, and getting out of work two hours early one day in the summer is one of them. I used my time wisely, I went shoe shopping. While I was unsuccessful in my shoe journey, I did have a nice time wondering around the mall.

I also used my time to catch up with my girls. Living in different time zones from Kriselyn and Jeniffer can be very trying as it makes being able to chat on the phone difficult at times. Today I had the rare occasion to talk to both of them in the middle of the day. The stars were all in alignment I guess. Sadly, our conversation was about postponing our girls weekend, but that just gives us more time to look forward to the trip.

Well, my sweet Ross is off on his grand seven month adventure. Our weekend at his party was bittersweet. We had a nice time at the beach together and it was lovely to catch up with his family, who I think of as my own extended family, but the whole time we knew we would have to say goodbye at the end of the night. I won't pretend I did goodbye with grace, I definitely cried. Ross is an incredibly important person to Taylor and I. Most of our dear friends and family live far away. Having Ross in driving distance has been a blessing for us both, and something we all took for granted since he has been back from the sub. Goodbye was tough, especially surrounded by lots of other people in the middle of downtown Providence. Don't forget what I said Ross, be incredibly careful while you are away and know we are all thinking of you. As a matter of fact, our families have already been out to dinner...and you are in trouble with Taylor and I. We will call you and yell at you when we can!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Hey Folks!

Many of you may remember my daily rant from a few years ago. I had a ball keeping an online account of the daily trials and tribulations that went along with wedding planning and received some fun feedback at the time that people were enjoying reading about my escapades. I let that rant drop off after the wedding, but have decided to pick it up again as a very dear friend is going to be overseas for some time and I think this will be a good way to keep him connected to the events and activities of those of us on this side of the world. Hope this keeps you entertained at the very least Mr. Guida!

It has been an incredibly random week in our lives. Our house was painted this week, which was our first adventure in dealing with professional contractors. Despite the multiple discussions of shutters and the nuances of shades of gray, the house is painted and looks exponentially better than before. We kept it white, with gray shutters and doors. It is basic, but remember, the house is small so we wanted it to look bright and inviting. It now looks like the house kind of house any young couple could see themselves living in, which will be helpful when we put it on the market. I am often reminded of the conversation I had with my mother-in-law about how I could see myself living in that house forever when we first purchased it. We are outgrowing the space already, and it is just me, Taylor, and the two cats! I guess time gives perspective.

I'm looking forward to a great weekend. The weather is beautiful this week. I go on my morning walk at work and just soak up the sunshine and enjoy the lack of humidity! Since I cut my hair off, the humidity has become more of an enemy that before when a ponytail was an option, so this break has been much appreciated! We are headed to visit with Taylor's family this weekend and to killer going away party for Ross. Should be a lot of fun and we are looking forward to catching up with everyone. Rumor has it we may even hit the beach tomorrow morning and any time spent in Rhode Island guarantees us a Del's! I can't wait!