Friday, August 11, 2006

Hey Folks!

Many of you may remember my daily rant from a few years ago. I had a ball keeping an online account of the daily trials and tribulations that went along with wedding planning and received some fun feedback at the time that people were enjoying reading about my escapades. I let that rant drop off after the wedding, but have decided to pick it up again as a very dear friend is going to be overseas for some time and I think this will be a good way to keep him connected to the events and activities of those of us on this side of the world. Hope this keeps you entertained at the very least Mr. Guida!

It has been an incredibly random week in our lives. Our house was painted this week, which was our first adventure in dealing with professional contractors. Despite the multiple discussions of shutters and the nuances of shades of gray, the house is painted and looks exponentially better than before. We kept it white, with gray shutters and doors. It is basic, but remember, the house is small so we wanted it to look bright and inviting. It now looks like the house kind of house any young couple could see themselves living in, which will be helpful when we put it on the market. I am often reminded of the conversation I had with my mother-in-law about how I could see myself living in that house forever when we first purchased it. We are outgrowing the space already, and it is just me, Taylor, and the two cats! I guess time gives perspective.

I'm looking forward to a great weekend. The weather is beautiful this week. I go on my morning walk at work and just soak up the sunshine and enjoy the lack of humidity! Since I cut my hair off, the humidity has become more of an enemy that before when a ponytail was an option, so this break has been much appreciated! We are headed to visit with Taylor's family this weekend and to killer going away party for Ross. Should be a lot of fun and we are looking forward to catching up with everyone. Rumor has it we may even hit the beach tomorrow morning and any time spent in Rhode Island guarantees us a Del's! I can't wait!

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