Monday, August 28, 2006

Hey Folks--

So, interesting weekend. First and foremost in our world, our computer is dead, presumably. I'm actually at work right now updating. Bad bad things happened. The blue screen of death was just the beginning-there are black screens of code that are apparently far worse. Taylor and I spent some quality time trying to revive her and then just trying to get back all our photos (which we of course never backed up). Our favorite computer geek, Alex, was over yesterday and brought his computer to help us pick out a new one. While fooling around with our poor broken laptop, he thinks he may found found new life in the old machine. He took her home and promised at to give rescuing her a shot. Alex has on more than one occasion in my life, been my hero. If he pulls this off and saves up a grand, I will consider naming my first born after him. Let's go Alex Q!

We had a weekend of barbecues. We went to a MacFarlane family party this weekend. Despite being two hours away, it was a lot of fun. There were two of the three new august babies there. Taylor and I did our best to avoid them, because as predicted we were attacked with questions when even looking at them. I came out from the bathroom and Taylor was holding a fussy Abigail and as he quieted her down the voices of "Isn't he a natural" and "Heather, look, he made her stop crying" assaulted me. I'm glad he can make a baby stop crying-I'm not sure I have that ability. I waited until sweet 10-day old Amanda was sound asleep before I took a turn at the baby holding. Kerri was thankful for the break, and I was thankful that it was the end of the evening and many people had gotten past the idea of baby holding. She was a sweet little peanut dressed all in pink. She actually had on a pink snuggle suit that a very stylish sister-in-law of mine has in adult size (and cashmere). I wished you had been there Em-we could have taken an adorable photo of the two of you together!

Sunday brought a barbecue at our house. Taylor worked so hard all morning getting tea outside ready for this event--but at 11:00 the rain started and didn't end until sometime after bed, So, we moved ten adults and three kids under three into our very small and un-babyprooded house. All things considered, it went well. The kids were a riot. Robbie got to kiss Madelyn. Madelyn entertained all but her Yankee-loving hosts by reciting the entire Red Sox's line-up (remember Maddy, to be a fan of the winning team you have to love Derek Jeter!). It does seem like cruel and unusual punishment the way New Englanders raise their kids to be Sox fans--why put your kiddo through the torture? Oh well! We had a nice time despite the rain, seeing lots of old friend's we haven't seen since our wedding 2+ years ago. We also got to meet Nadia, the newest member of the Janus family. She is a quiet little tike-very sweet all of three months old. Great age, because she likes being held, but is past the scary bobble-head phase.

I'm getting ready to head to lunch. We are braving tea dining hall today for reasons that escape my grasp. I'm desperate for a good salad-I ate nothing of nutritional value this weekend-but I anticipate chaos as it is the first day of classes. Freshman are hysterical to watch though-they have their keys around their necks and still use trays! I'm so glad I'm not 18 anymore, and I'm so excited not to be heading back to school myself tonight!

For those keeping score, Ross should be in Kuwait by now. He flew out yesterday (on his birthday) and had about an 18 hour flight. Rumor has it his plane stopped at an army base in Germany, where my best friend Jen happens to be stationed for the next two weeks (talk about random!). Ross is on a two-week media blackout. This is probably good for him, it will help him to get settled. It might be good for me too-I had a great conversation with him on Friday evening (Taylor and I chatted with him for the better part of two hours), and we actually talked to him yesterday right before he got on the plane for a few minutes. Both times we hung up, I cried my eyes out. I think it will be good that next time we talk, he will be there and be settled. It will make us all start thinking about coming home instead of leaving. Remember Ross, you promised to be extra careful! We all love you!

Gotta go-Chicken Patty day!

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