Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey everyone--

Hope you are all looking forward to a good day at work today. I'm going to be busy today with a bunch of meetings that i'm not really looking forward to having. the things we do for our jobs!

Worked late last night, then went home and watched some Grey's. I just finished episode 21 of season 2. I have to tell you, while I like McDreamy as much as the next gal, I think McBurke is the guy to love forever! Oh those intense eyes!

Had a funny phone call with Jenny last night. We finally beat the time zone issues and were able to chat. We agree that the word "boppie" is studip! Didn't women used to just hold their babies?

So, as many of you know, I get totally obsessed with CDs, or more specifically songs, and won't listen to anything else for weeks at a time. The most memorable occasions of this were Spilled Perfume in high school (oh, the Benjamin/Brent saga!) and then the great Call and Answer semester in college. This time it is Mary Chapin Carpenter's greatest hits CD. It isn't the whole thing, but about 6 or so songs. I've been thinking lots about senior year of high school, since one of the songs contains my best friend in high school's yearbook quote, "Some people say you shouldn't tempt fate, and for them I can't disagree. But, I never learned nothing from playing it safe, I say fate should not tempt me.". In retrospect, my yearbook quote (which I can't come up with off the top of my head) was about letting things go and waiting to see if they come back. Talk about being polar opposites! Probably how we got through high school, shared boyfriends, fights, and the break-up of Cal and Connor.

crap-meeting now! more later!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

where are my readers? no feedback all week makes Heather a sad girl!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Taylor is watching some movie with marionettes--really scary puppet things. I'm refusing to watch and think my husband is a freak.

I'm beat already and it is only Tuesday night. I think that is a bad sign of things to come on day 2 of 14+ straight at work. I had a three hour meeting this morning. I made a few substitutive contributions, which was a win as I was one of only two people in the meeting not at the Senior Staff level. Lets hope I can keep it up an have two good presentations this weekend. Now...what to wear...

nothing really funny to talk about today. sorry to the readers who enjoy a good laugh with my posts. I'm just worn out and ready for bed, even though it is only 9:15. I'm earning that MacFarlane name tonight. Think I'm going to take my book (Marley and Me) and go to bed. Night folks!

Monday, September 25, 2006

taylor ripped the computer from my hands last night-that is why I didn't spell check, edit, or--you know--finish my thought. Chris Simms, the QB in TB was rushed to the hospital to have his spleen removed. Taylor wasn't looking to see if the kid would live or die, but rather to see who his back up is (no one, by the way). My Taylor always sees the big picture and in his Mathew league the big picture for him is having a harem of QBs.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

yummy yummy apples! lots and lots of apples! well over 50 apples if anyone wants some. gotta love fall in new england!

someone from Dell teck support is coming to our house to fix our D key. Taylor was on the phone for the better part of an hour and in the end they agreed that probably something was just wrong with the D and they would have to come to the house and fix annoying.

It is going to be a really long week at work. I have a huge reception on saturday that is all my responsibilty. Also have another big meeting/presentation on Sunday. It is a big time at work right now. We are reaching the end of a six-year, $30M Campaign in October. So we still have $1.5M in the next three weeks. So, if you call and I don't call back, that is why. If you are calling to make a gift to the Centennial Campaign, I would be happy to return your call!

So, I have no idea how I did in my week of fantasy football. I played Mat--the Proud Papa's. I made a fatal error in starting Ma. Jones because I really wanted to get out the door to go apple picking and didn't followup with the guys I had started. I benched Steve Smith, who did really well. If I lose, which I certianly could, it is my own dumb luck.

I made friends wiht this little old lady today at the apple orchard. she was 89 years old and there with her church group. we sat together
yummy yummy apples! lots and lots of apples! well over 50 apples if anyone wants some. gotta love fall in new england!

someone from Dell teck support is coming to our house to fix our D key. Taylor was on the phone for the better part of an hour and in the end they agreed that probably something was just wrong with the D and they would have to come to the house and fix annoying.

It is going to be a really long week at work. I have a huge reception on saturday that is all my responsibilty. Also have another big meeting/presentation on Sunday. It is a big time at work right now. We are reaching the end of a six-year, $30M Campaign in October. So we still have $1.5M in the next three weeks. So, if you call and I don't call back, that is why. If you are calling to make a gift to the Centennial Campaign, I would be happy to return your call!

So, I have no idea how I did in my week of fantasy football. I played Mat--the Proud Papa's. I made a fatal error in starting Ma. Jones because I really wanted to get out the door to go apple picking and didn't followup with the guys I had started. I benched Steve Smith, who did really well. If I lose, which I certianly could, it is my own dumb luck.

I made friends wiht this little old lady today at the apple orchard. she was 89 years old and there with her church group. we sat together

Saturday, September 23, 2006

So, when I got off the phone with Ross this afternoon, I promised him I would do something productive with the afternoon. I don't think this is what he had in mind, but I'm up to episode 14 of 27 of Grey's. For those keeping score, that is 23 episodes total since Monday. I think I'm actually qualified to be a doctor now. We used to think it was cool when Ross dated a doctor, now I'm glad he doesn't-boy are the neurotic!

Tomorrow, I'm doing something productive--even if the rain thwarts my plans to visit the local brewfest!
What did I ever do to the rain gods? Everything I have planned something this summer, it has rained. Today we were going apple picking with our friends and their two daughters, but no, fate had another idea--it rained. Instead of a beautiful drive through new England fall foliage and an afternoon of fun with the kids, we have done virtually nothing. I did get to pound through some of Grey's this morning, and Taylor and I had our weekly call with Baghdad, so the day wasn't a total loss, but certainly not as planned.

So what's up with people how have kids assuming those of us without sleep until noon everyday? I'm not in college--I don't stay up until 3:00 am then sleep until 1:00 pm! I have a schedule just like everyone else. True, no screaming child wakes me up at 7:00, but my cats pretty regularly take care of that. The whole family was up this morning around 5:00 listening to Grace vomit (my poor little peanut) while those families with kids were still sleeping. I have a lot of respect for parents-believe me, I know raising a child is the hardest job any person could ever have, but don't forget what life is like for the non-kid families. We still eat meals, we still go to work, we still get up at normal times. Twice this week people made cracks about how"it must be nice" in relation to not having kids. I didn't tell any of them to go off the pill or start playing Catholic Roulette--it was a choice they all made on their own, so I won't feel bad for going back to be this morning and sleeping until the late hour of 8:30!

So Taylor and I went to the Red Sox this week. For the two readers who might not really know this, both Taylor and I are Yankees fans. I refer to Derek Jeter as my baseball husband (someday I'll make a list of all of my husbands), and we make fun of Red Sox fans like it is our job. Still, someone gave Taylor tickets to the game on Wednesday, and we decide to take in the game. It was really fun. I love sporting events, the fans yelling, the sounds, the smell, the national anthem (I cry every time I hear it-I'm like an 8 year old), and the food. The food for me makes the sport. Taylor and I shared our bag of peanuts, enjoying throwing the shells on the ground, and even had a Fenway Frank. It was a great night, despite the fact that the people next to us got tossed for using stolen tickets, the guy three people down insisted he could yell loud enough to start the wave (which apparently can only go in a clockwise motion) and almost getting hit in the head with a foul ball. The Sox lost, the Yanks clinched the AL East, all was well in the world of the MacFarlane Family.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

long crashed...more tomorrow...
Starting the second season of Grey's Anatomy. Still good! Hard not to be watching the season premiere of season three, but I'll survive! I did watch the season premiere of The Office. The best part of the Office is that it could be anyone's office. One of the best parts is that it takes place in Scranton, PA. Who lives in Scranton? Just like who lives in Machias, ME? Random--just like life!

I promise to write more tonight,but sadly readers, this is all you get for right now. As a teaser, I'll tell you about how our fateful trip to Fenway, my take on why the voting system in America's is screwed up (in a large-scale, constitutional way--not political Alexander), and why I'm ready for the weekend!

Bedtime people! Night!
I have lots to catch you on-so stay tuned to my real blog tonight.
This little tidbit of news just couldn't wait another second.

Morton Anderson, age 46, has been signed by the Atlanta Falcons. For the non-football nuts in the group, Anderson is a kicker and yes, kickers can be old. But kickers can't be ancient. 46 years old is old enough to be the dad--quite literally--of some of the players on the team. He didn't even need to be a teen parent-he could have fathered one of the rookies at age 24! Are you kidding me! Travel Europe, bounce your grandchildren on your knee, sleep late, but for goodness sake, don't join the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE!

All that being said, I've always really like Mort and his famous kicking brother Gary. Welcome back buddy--opening the Superdome, what a way to return to the game!

I'll talk about baseball later tonight and the historical game Taylor and I attended last nigh!

Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm home sick. The never-ending headache. Not quite a migraine, not quite not. Combination of the weather (damn sunshine), and stress. At this point, I almost wish it would turn into a migraine instead of this pain in the butt nag.

So, I'm watching season one of Gray's Anatomy. Right now both Mr. Willis of Ohio an Mrs. Landingham, both of the West Wing are on this episode. I don't hold hope for Mrs. Landingham, as she once was killed by a drunk driver on the very day she bought her first new car. Poor poor thing! Gray's Anatomy isn't bad. It is certainly better than daytime television. I did see a few minutes of Rachel Ray's new show. It wasn't that good. The View is also especially bad. I think Elizabeth Hassleback is pregnant again.

The cats seem to have a very good life. Both girls have been with me all day. I believe that animals know when you are sick and when you need love. They have both been asleep for the better of the day. I woke them up, they fell back asleep. I could really get in on this lifestyle.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Peter made it through his surgery. They were able to take two of the five tumors on his brain, which should make him much more comfortable. Please continue to keep the Clow and Barnes families in your thoughts and prayers.

Welcome to Baby Arlo. Chloe and Tom had this little bundle of baby on September 11th an everyone is happy and healthy and I now have another good reason to visit Machias. Can't wait to meet your son!

Actually, I guess that is it for updates for the day. Book club was fun last night. It was the first time we have all be in the same room. Meg is back from having the baby and Karon is with us until she has her twins (she is a house!), so we had a nice full house-and more food than anyone could imagine. Anyone in the local reading area who wants some cheesecake, some on over! It was like a birthing class more than a normal bookclub. I can only tell you that any urges I had to have a child are now buried under discussions of breastfeeding, c-sections, mirrors, interns and an assortment of words I'm won't share with the general public. I love my cats and get plenty of motherly ambitions out by spoiling them rotten!

I woke up this morning with what appeared to be the early onset of a migraine. If you don't get them, thank your lucky stars. They usually involve vomiting for me, and last for about 24 hours. I took some drugs an went back to bed. I slept for hours! I got up at 11, took more drugs and the largest diet coke on the planet. While I'm trying to get off caffeine for the most part, it is a known headache reliever as it contracts the blood vessels in the brain. I was more than willing to give it a try on a day like today. I laid back down and now I'm feeling much better. Amazing what six advil in three hours will do for you.

I just had my weekly chat with Sir Ross on the phone. Taylor is actually wondering around the backyard talking to him now (that boy paces all the time!). Ross sounds really good! He is at work, watching college football on two big screen tvs. I understand that he is at war, but his job rivals Emilie's for being known as CandyLand! Ross is now in his permanent home, having just move into his trailer. Sounds a lot like college without the change of getting really drunk and hooking up. I'm proud to say that I can now talk to Ross without breaking down in tears.

Some little girl just came to our house selling candy bars for school. I should note that it is (literally Jodi) 1:28 in the afternoon and due to the near miss migraine, I'm still in my PJs. I haven't showered, haven't even brushed my hair. I must have just scared the life out of this poor little thing. I bought the damn candy bar though, so she should be happy. I fundraise for a living-believe me, she isn't getting much profit off that $1 candy bar. I would rather the school write me a letter and ask me for money that is at least all going directly to the child. And don't I already support her field trips through my taxes? Oh well, at least I got a yummy Heberts (they are AC alums) candy bar out of it.

Okay-I need a nap. More later.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The spellcheck on my blog doesn't recognize the word blog. Does anyone else think that is strange?
There is this new show on the Travel Channel called Kids Plan the Vacation (or something like that). It is awesome! If you get the chance, you have to watch. It is kids hopped up on sugar planning a family trip. The family visiting Boston right now packed for their parents and brought the dad only underwear and an old tutu and the mom only wool sweaters. It is a riot!

Friendly's for dinner tonight. Yummy stuff!

Alexander-keep reading despite my singular political reference. Lets be honest, the likelihood that I'm going to say something ridiculous that you can make fun of me for is greater than the number of times my damn liberal views will discussed in my blog. Keep reading, I'll be funny and non-controversial.

Speaking of my dear brother-in-law, he and Emilie are coming up for the weekend. They are going to meet Snow. Taylor and I will go have some yummy dinner with them, hopefully a nice glass of wine, and a nice visit. I'm looking forward to it.

Book club tomorrow night-can't wait! Hope you are all well!
Pray for Peter-he has brain surgery tomorrow and he an the Barnes family could use all the thoughts and well-wishes possible.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Well, I lost in the MacFarlane bowl this weekend. Taylor and Tiki Barber destroyed the Moon Pies and stupid Shaun Alexander. It was a tough week in the league for the women as Julie, Jeniffer and I all had losses. It happens. I play Dudek next week, so I'm hoping for a win. In all the years of the league I don't believe I've ever lost to Dudek, so it would be a tough loss.

Taylor is timing me with a timer for exactly five minutes of writing. Talk about anal, when I said five minutes, he took me literally. After more than two years of marriage he should know that I lie.

So, earlier tonight I saw a commercial for Kentucky Fried Chicken. I don't like there food and have eaten there about once in 10 years. What bothered me tonight wasn't the fact that they share restaurants with a place called Long John Silver, but rather their choice of music for their commercials. The place is called KENTUCKY Fried Chicken and they use SWEET HOME ALABAMA as their music! It is wrong! It is against every rule in the book! The marketing agency that came up with this should be fired! I won't eat there now out of principle-no matter how good the darn biscuit is. Alabama should require money for the use of their name in the song. They should get rid of all of the KFC's in the state an replace them with Tijuana Flats. The south should rise again and handle this abomination that is KFC infringing on the rights of Alabama. I'm calling Kriselyn and seeing what we can get stared to end this nonsense.

Today is a day of nostalgia. It is a day about remembering the past and the first major historical event of our lifetime. Before September 11, 2001, the most important day in many of our lives was the day we lost the Challenger. It was a horrible day when a crew was lost in front of our very eyes. We couldn't have been more than eight that day. Twenty years later, this event seems minor in contrast to the events of September 11th. It was a terrible day that change each and every American.

I won't usually share any political views in my rant. I'm a democrat in a family of republicans. I keep my views to myself and respect the views of those who don't agree with me. No matter what your beliefs are, this anniversary is one that brings feelings of regret, of fear, of terror, of hope. My father fought in Vietnam--deep in the trenches where men saw things they should never need to know. I know it was their hope that our generation would never know this fear, what it feels like to send people to war, to battle with the unseen enemy. I wish they were able to have their dream of our innocence come true. Knowing three people in two years who have been active in the military was not their dream for me. Kuwait and Iraq were not the places they wanted me to know in the same way they hated the words Korea and Vietnam. On this scary day, this anniversary of horror, I say thank you to the people who are willing to put their lives on the line to fight in the war. While I have very little respect for fighting for oil, the respect I have for people like Ross, Jeniffer and Brian are something I never imaged knowing personally. Men and women like you make our world a safer place, a place where I can rant, daily, about whatever nonsense enters my mind, an fight to make it so a women on the other side of the world, hidden behind her veil, can dream of my life-to be a woman with an advanced education, a wonderful husband, a TiVo, and the freedom to rant about politics and football, gossip and war, and pride in a nation. May we always have this freedom and never live in fear.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I LOVE THE SAFETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and now they have to kick it back off to us...haha!

and Seymour may have knocked Losman out for the rest of the game--I'm nasty!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I've spent my whole day painting. I'm covered in splotches of gray and black paint.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Amy thinks John Madden is the ugliest man on the planet. I don't think I would take it quite that far, but he is far from beautiful. Still, I believe if he was to get eyebrows waxed, he wouldn't be that terrifying looking. Still, he is a beautiful sight as we finally kick off football for the year! I am begrudginly pulling for the Steelers. I do still believe the Dolphin is the mascot most likely to win in a fight with any other mascot. I know the argument is that the lighting bolt of the Chargers could beat the Dolphins, but first it would have to catch the Dolphin.

I love Jason Taylor :) I've got no one in this game on the Moon Pies--it is super sad.

My new work study is from Norton, which is where Wheaton is located. I'm trying to bribe her into bringing me good Chinese food. She is a freshman--I mean first-year student--so she just might do it.

I got my new Vera today. It is a hint smaller than I thought, but I am able to get all the pieces in an I love it. She is so cute in green an blue!

I have to admit, I'm keeping up with Big Brother All-Stars. I don't have a favorite I would like to see win. I just hope it isn't Erica. She is a freakin wack-job!

Boy was that Pink song during kick off terrible. Who thought Pink would appeal to football fans? She doesn't draw women in and she isn't hot enough for men to care.

Charlie Batch-what a joke! Don't you kind of hope he gets knocked out and then we get to see that new kid they picke up this week?

There is a new woman at work who looks just like me. It is true-we really look a lot alike We have the same hair color and a similar cut, about the same height, same coloring, the works. Today we were at a going away roast for a friend, and she wasn't even in the room, and someone confuse me for her. I think it is time to get a new job!

Okay-I guess I have to vote for Boogie for BB All-Starts because I hate Erica and Janelle just got the boot. I miss Will.

I have to switch purses now!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One of my sick day guilty pleasures is watching an episode of Dawson's Creek on TBS. I didn't watch it when it was on TV, but like most TV shows, I had a basic idea of what was going on. It wasn't until I was out of college that I started getting into the reruns at all. Now, if I'm home sick, at 9:00 I watch an episode and it makes me feel a little better. I'm still upset that she picked Pacey in the end (It was called Dawson's Creek--you marry Dawson!), but that doesn't take away the joy of running across a great episode on a random morning.

On Labor Day, I watched Creek kids go to the Junior prom. Katie Holmes is now distracting to me. The whole Suri with the hair on top thing just have tainted her to me an now I can't look at Joey Potter the same way. I loved all things Joey Potter. Now I just want Dawson and Pacey to give in to their passion and be together--the show does take place in Massachusetts after all! Let the boys be together and lets put a ban on all things Cruise-Holmes!
I have a new computer!!!!!!!!!! His name, for those who care, is Millhouse. I like to name things and I think that my little silver Dell will last longer than our previous computer because he is named an therefore we will share extra love with him. I'm random, I know. I just have so much love to share and you can only squeeze your two cats so many times before they scratch...Welcome to the family Millhouse MacFarlane!

Fantasy football teams are set. Ross, I'm going to make changes to your team for you this week unless I hear that you are connected. I know it was supposed to take you some time to get internet ready in the desert. The Moon Pies are playing for keeps this year! I'm starting a variety of great players including the young Manning, S. Alexander, M. Hasselback, and more. I'm looking forward to playing the Dr. Pepper's in the first game. It is the all MacFarlane game and as with most things in life, I expect the lady of the house to end up on top!

I'm looking forward to a great weekend. There is Del's in my future and that makes me a happy girl! I love frozen lemonade like I love nothing else! That and football kick-off weekend, all things in my world are good! What is everyone else up to?

For those keeping score, my 3:00 meeting is now schedule for tomorrow at 11:00. Some things never change!
Looks like our Dell might be coming this afternoon. Big day in the MacFarlane household. Everyone cross your fingers for us!

We had a fun long weekend. Ross called us from Kuwait. It was great to talk to him and hear that he really is doing okay. He sends periodic emails, but you have to assume he is sugar-coating things to a certain extent. He really sounded fine though and he is already counting down until his return.

We went to Amy's 30th birthday party this weekend. We had a lot of fun. I found out that two more friends are pregnant. It seems the baby boom of our friends is going to continue. I'm very excited for Suz and Amy-they are due about a week apart, so that will be fun for them. Half of my book club is knocked up-the rest of us drank a lot at the party to celebrate our non-pregnant status!

We didn't do much during the rest of the week. We watched a bunch of movies, each read a book, and took naps. It was quiet, but it was nice.

I'm really reacting poorly to the changing of the seasons. They closed the ice cream place at the end of our street over the weekend. I just noticed last night and I burst into tears. Now to be clear, I went there once all summer, but I like the idea that I can have ice cream on demand, but more I like the idea of summer that comes from a place like that--someplace with teenagers and swingsets and radios playing loud annoying music. Then I noticed the trees are changing colors. All this on top of the kids all being back in school is just too much for me to take. I demand summer!

I'm exhausted today for some reason. I'm trying to get back off of caffeine. I liked the six months were I was substance free! Summer classes and the stress of my golf tournament put me back on the drug, but now i'm committing to get back off. I've started mixing my coffee with decaf in the morning, and I've all but given up diet coke. I'm willing to take the partial headaches that come with the withdrawal. I know I can do this, and I know I felt better when I wasn't so addicted, so this is my project for the month of September.

I've been busy all day at work, but haven't managed to do a single thing. I have a meeting with the VP today, which stinks. This man is a terrible manager and terrible with people, so anytime I have to talk to him I dread it. I'm hoping it is short and relatively painless. We will see...

Lunch time!
Looks like our Dell might be coming this afternoon. Big day in the MacFarlane household. Everyone cross your fingers for us!

We had a fun long weekend. Ross called us from Kuwait. It was great to talk to him and hear that he really is doing okay. He sends periodic emails, but you have to assume he is sugar-coating things to a certain extent. He really sounded fine though and he is already counting down until his return.

We went to Amy's 30th birthday party this weekend. We had a lot of fun. I found out that two more friends are pregnant. It seems the baby boom of our friends is going to continue. I'm very excited for Suz and Amy-they are due about a week apart, so that will be fun for them. Half of my book club is knocked up-the rest of us drank a lot at the party to celebrate our non-pregnant status!

We didn't do much during the rest of the week. We watched a bunch of movies, each read a book, and took naps. It was quiet, but it was nice.

I'm really reacting poorly to the changing of the seasons. They closed the ice cream place at the end of our street over the weekend. I just noticed last night and I burst into tears. Now to be clear, I went there once all summer, but I like the idea that I can have ice cream on demand, but more I like the idea of summer that comes from a place like that--someplace with teenagers and swingsets and radios playing loud annoying music. Then I noticed the trees are changing colors. All this on top of the kids all being back in school is just too much for me to take. I demand summer!

I'm exhausted today for some reason. I'm trying to get back off of caffeine. I liked the six months were I was substance free! Summer classes and the stress of my golf tournament put me back on the drug, but now i'm committing to get back off. I've started mixing my coffee with decaf in the morning, and I've all but given up diet coke. I'm willing to take the partial headaches that come with the withdrawal. I know I can do this, and I know I felt better when I wasn't so addicted, so this is my project for the month of September.

I've been busy all day at work, but haven't managed to do a single thing. I have a meeting with the VP today, which stinks. This man is a terrible manager and terrible with people, so anytime I have to talk to him I dread it. I'm hoping it is short and relatively painless. We will see...

Lunch time!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Tracy Chapman and Jack Johnson remind me of summer. Ross, can I borrow your car and pretend it is still warm out?

I want to go on vacation. Yes Taylor, I know we just got our house painted and bought a new computer, but I want to go on vacation! Krissy and Jenny, what happened to our supposed girls weekend? I'm thinking October in Mobile...

I have an exciting evening planned for tonight. Going home the way-back way to avoid the highway on Labor Day weekend, so that will eat up a good chunk of my night. Have you guessed I'm tired of commuting yet? Then a quick dinner and a trip to the grocery store. Have to have food in the house if people are coming over. Then, hopefully taylor and I will put up our new roman shades in the bedroom. I'm excited to have something new in that room, since it is still not "done" even though we have been living there for years! We have RV as one of our Netflix movies and a friend just told me it is really funny, so that should round out an exciting MacFarlane Friday night.

It doesn't appear that I can blog at all from home. I tried last nigh on the Super iMac (did I mention that it is purple--and that it is Taylor's!) but just got a bunch of errors and eventually the machine crashed. I hope you all have a great long weekend and I'll try to post a fun weekend update on Tuesday!
Bread and Water! Going to drink a lot tomorrow at Amy's 3oth/The Sacco Family Olympic event. Jeniffer would be proud of me carbo-loading in preparation! I miss you JJ! Can you come back from Germany already! No more international friends--but thanks for the FunShine Bear Card-I love it!

How is everyone? I can't believe it is September 1st-I'm ignoring September and instead choosing to celebrate today as August 32nd. Does that make me a tool? Maybe. Do I care? No!

It's Blue Hill Fair weekend. I wish I lived in Maine this weekend. The fair is a Sinford Family Tradition, and for a time, I was an honorary Sinford. Jodi-have a hell of a time and write me a really long letter--on paper--after telling me about all of your escapades. I have vivid memories of reading a similar letter my Junior year of college, sitting on a bench outside of Balfour overlooking Peacock Pond, laughing hysterically until I had tears running down my face. This recounting of events is the best and always makes me miss home, and the days of being single, young, and fearless! Listen to good country music--I hope you have the Bluest Eyes In Texas on your iPod and have a ball!