Saturday, September 23, 2006

What did I ever do to the rain gods? Everything I have planned something this summer, it has rained. Today we were going apple picking with our friends and their two daughters, but no, fate had another idea--it rained. Instead of a beautiful drive through new England fall foliage and an afternoon of fun with the kids, we have done virtually nothing. I did get to pound through some of Grey's this morning, and Taylor and I had our weekly call with Baghdad, so the day wasn't a total loss, but certainly not as planned.

So what's up with people how have kids assuming those of us without sleep until noon everyday? I'm not in college--I don't stay up until 3:00 am then sleep until 1:00 pm! I have a schedule just like everyone else. True, no screaming child wakes me up at 7:00, but my cats pretty regularly take care of that. The whole family was up this morning around 5:00 listening to Grace vomit (my poor little peanut) while those families with kids were still sleeping. I have a lot of respect for parents-believe me, I know raising a child is the hardest job any person could ever have, but don't forget what life is like for the non-kid families. We still eat meals, we still go to work, we still get up at normal times. Twice this week people made cracks about how"it must be nice" in relation to not having kids. I didn't tell any of them to go off the pill or start playing Catholic Roulette--it was a choice they all made on their own, so I won't feel bad for going back to be this morning and sleeping until the late hour of 8:30!

So Taylor and I went to the Red Sox this week. For the two readers who might not really know this, both Taylor and I are Yankees fans. I refer to Derek Jeter as my baseball husband (someday I'll make a list of all of my husbands), and we make fun of Red Sox fans like it is our job. Still, someone gave Taylor tickets to the game on Wednesday, and we decide to take in the game. It was really fun. I love sporting events, the fans yelling, the sounds, the smell, the national anthem (I cry every time I hear it-I'm like an 8 year old), and the food. The food for me makes the sport. Taylor and I shared our bag of peanuts, enjoying throwing the shells on the ground, and even had a Fenway Frank. It was a great night, despite the fact that the people next to us got tossed for using stolen tickets, the guy three people down insisted he could yell loud enough to start the wave (which apparently can only go in a clockwise motion) and almost getting hit in the head with a foul ball. The Sox lost, the Yanks clinched the AL East, all was well in the world of the MacFarlane Family.

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