Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One of my sick day guilty pleasures is watching an episode of Dawson's Creek on TBS. I didn't watch it when it was on TV, but like most TV shows, I had a basic idea of what was going on. It wasn't until I was out of college that I started getting into the reruns at all. Now, if I'm home sick, at 9:00 I watch an episode and it makes me feel a little better. I'm still upset that she picked Pacey in the end (It was called Dawson's Creek--you marry Dawson!), but that doesn't take away the joy of running across a great episode on a random morning.

On Labor Day, I watched Creek kids go to the Junior prom. Katie Holmes is now distracting to me. The whole Suri with the hair on top thing just have tainted her to me an now I can't look at Joey Potter the same way. I loved all things Joey Potter. Now I just want Dawson and Pacey to give in to their passion and be together--the show does take place in Massachusetts after all! Let the boys be together and lets put a ban on all things Cruise-Holmes!

1 comment:

Heather said...

you were in an episode of Dawson's Creek and this is the first I'm hearing of it? How is that possible! I need details!

Pacey was an idiot. She was too smart for him!