Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm home sick. The never-ending headache. Not quite a migraine, not quite not. Combination of the weather (damn sunshine), and stress. At this point, I almost wish it would turn into a migraine instead of this pain in the butt nag.

So, I'm watching season one of Gray's Anatomy. Right now both Mr. Willis of Ohio an Mrs. Landingham, both of the West Wing are on this episode. I don't hold hope for Mrs. Landingham, as she once was killed by a drunk driver on the very day she bought her first new car. Poor poor thing! Gray's Anatomy isn't bad. It is certainly better than daytime television. I did see a few minutes of Rachel Ray's new show. It wasn't that good. The View is also especially bad. I think Elizabeth Hassleback is pregnant again.

The cats seem to have a very good life. Both girls have been with me all day. I believe that animals know when you are sick and when you need love. They have both been asleep for the better of the day. I woke them up, they fell back asleep. I could really get in on this lifestyle.

1 comment:

Heather said...

i watched all nine episodes of season one yesterday. i couldn't get off the couch!