Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Taylor is watching some movie with marionettes--really scary puppet things. I'm refusing to watch and think my husband is a freak.

I'm beat already and it is only Tuesday night. I think that is a bad sign of things to come on day 2 of 14+ straight at work. I had a three hour meeting this morning. I made a few substitutive contributions, which was a win as I was one of only two people in the meeting not at the Senior Staff level. Lets hope I can keep it up an have two good presentations this weekend. Now...what to wear...

nothing really funny to talk about today. sorry to the readers who enjoy a good laugh with my posts. I'm just worn out and ready for bed, even though it is only 9:15. I'm earning that MacFarlane name tonight. Think I'm going to take my book (Marley and Me) and go to bed. Night folks!

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