Saturday, September 16, 2006

Peter made it through his surgery. They were able to take two of the five tumors on his brain, which should make him much more comfortable. Please continue to keep the Clow and Barnes families in your thoughts and prayers.

Welcome to Baby Arlo. Chloe and Tom had this little bundle of baby on September 11th an everyone is happy and healthy and I now have another good reason to visit Machias. Can't wait to meet your son!

Actually, I guess that is it for updates for the day. Book club was fun last night. It was the first time we have all be in the same room. Meg is back from having the baby and Karon is with us until she has her twins (she is a house!), so we had a nice full house-and more food than anyone could imagine. Anyone in the local reading area who wants some cheesecake, some on over! It was like a birthing class more than a normal bookclub. I can only tell you that any urges I had to have a child are now buried under discussions of breastfeeding, c-sections, mirrors, interns and an assortment of words I'm won't share with the general public. I love my cats and get plenty of motherly ambitions out by spoiling them rotten!

I woke up this morning with what appeared to be the early onset of a migraine. If you don't get them, thank your lucky stars. They usually involve vomiting for me, and last for about 24 hours. I took some drugs an went back to bed. I slept for hours! I got up at 11, took more drugs and the largest diet coke on the planet. While I'm trying to get off caffeine for the most part, it is a known headache reliever as it contracts the blood vessels in the brain. I was more than willing to give it a try on a day like today. I laid back down and now I'm feeling much better. Amazing what six advil in three hours will do for you.

I just had my weekly chat with Sir Ross on the phone. Taylor is actually wondering around the backyard talking to him now (that boy paces all the time!). Ross sounds really good! He is at work, watching college football on two big screen tvs. I understand that he is at war, but his job rivals Emilie's for being known as CandyLand! Ross is now in his permanent home, having just move into his trailer. Sounds a lot like college without the change of getting really drunk and hooking up. I'm proud to say that I can now talk to Ross without breaking down in tears.

Some little girl just came to our house selling candy bars for school. I should note that it is (literally Jodi) 1:28 in the afternoon and due to the near miss migraine, I'm still in my PJs. I haven't showered, haven't even brushed my hair. I must have just scared the life out of this poor little thing. I bought the damn candy bar though, so she should be happy. I fundraise for a living-believe me, she isn't getting much profit off that $1 candy bar. I would rather the school write me a letter and ask me for money that is at least all going directly to the child. And don't I already support her field trips through my taxes? Oh well, at least I got a yummy Heberts (they are AC alums) candy bar out of it.

Okay-I need a nap. More later.

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