Saturday, September 23, 2006

So, when I got off the phone with Ross this afternoon, I promised him I would do something productive with the afternoon. I don't think this is what he had in mind, but I'm up to episode 14 of 27 of Grey's. For those keeping score, that is 23 episodes total since Monday. I think I'm actually qualified to be a doctor now. We used to think it was cool when Ross dated a doctor, now I'm glad he doesn't-boy are the neurotic!

Tomorrow, I'm doing something productive--even if the rain thwarts my plans to visit the local brewfest!


jeniffercox said...

So I realized with the phone call from your hubby at 11:30 p.m. your time (thanks Taylor for making me jump off the couch worried that something horrific was happening), that I had forgotten about your fabulouse daily rant. I guess that I have gotten spoiled by daily email conversations...unfortunately those are usually only during work! I promise to be better...and maybe even to start my own blog. I'm there with you on the kid thing...a kitty is plenty, though I should warn you to appreciate that all of your family (in-laws included) live in the same time zone as you. Brian's folks have a nasty habit of calling every Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. I've got you bookmarked now!

Heather said...

7:30 am is completly acceptable for the phone call in our house. The eary bird gets the worm, right Alex an Em!